Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Pineal Gland, Crystals, and Hematite

   "Pineal Gland, Crystals, and Hematite"
Those wacky ancients were not severely stupid, but weirdly wise,
For the gods and God are always dropping out of the sky--some do surmise;
Regardless, they claimed crystals offered communication with supernatural gods,
And crystal radio communication thousands of years later proves this with axiomatic nods;
Furthermore, the pineal gland contains micro-crystals,
As if a third eye or singular eye that receives and communicates like radio signals;
Moreover, the elderly ancients believed Hematite was related to Mars,
An iron based stone to heal blood disorders, as if healing from the stars.
Now we know Hematite is on the red planet's surface;
Thus, how did those dumb ancients know of such a mystical, galactic circus?