Monday, April 4, 2016

Existence Womb (81)

   "Existence Womb (81)"
   Miriam and Buck found a Latin Mass; next, were humble and obedient, took the Holy Eucharist, and then headed to a gas station where they picked up some spicy beef jerky and green tea with too much sugar.  As the SS Chevelle with the potent 350 rumbled smoothly, they engaged in symposium.
Why do people think Catholics worship the Virgin Mary?

No, they honor Her.  Plus, the Angels and Saints.  Jesus himself would admit that you can say bad stuff about Him, but don't you dare talk bad about My Mother.  Woman, behold Your Son--some say those were His last words at Calvary.  Regardless, they need to know the Hail Mary--we're not praying to Her, but as She is alive in Christ, we ask, Holy Mary--pray for us sinners.

Why can't we just all love God and those that do?

I still talk to my sister.  She was fed to the lions in ancient Rome before the rise of Constantine.  I too know--she is alive in Christ; hence, I ask her to pray for me.  I adore all those that love Him; moreover, I pray for my adversaries as Christ instructed.  That they too, will have Christian hearts of gold.

You're a keen one Buck.

Nah, I'm just God's dog is all.  
   Miriam snorted an adolescent giggle.