Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Existence Womb (93)

   "Existence Womb (93)"

   Miriam was sleeping soundly; indeed, every since her Dad, Dr. Luke had removed the implant behind her ear, the Sleep Paralysis had not affected her.  Buck noticed more, she cooed like a pigeon dove during the nocturnal hours, so sweetly and sublime.
   Too, Buck pondered the coyote's mantra:  "All is sacred; nothing is sacred."  Thus, he pondered further, diving deep into the psychological weirdness of her Dad; moreover, all that he had done for his daughter, as well as Buck himself.  The man couldn't help he turned rogue.  The government probably had more than just a simple gun on him; therefore, Buck decided:  RESCUE.
   Should Miriam come with him?  Nope, way dangerous cloak and dagger crap.  Moreover, she would be okay, out here, in the bucolic backwoods of Little Rock, Arkansas, where the worst she would encounter was a cooter with too much whiskey in his system--though alcohol makes people do the dumbest things, way more than your average narcotics.
    Hence, Buck penned a quasi-Dear John letter to Miriam, and went on his way.  His canine telepathy had pinpointed the approximate location of her father, and it would be nice, if he was successful in his rescue attempt, to reforge the trinity of a family resurrected.
   Next, he gently kissed Miriam on the forehead, hoping she wouldn't take the fuchsia-hued Boss 429 on any personal adventures, and then he gallantly departed in the SS 350, heading towards the Florida swamps.