Saturday, December 3, 2016

Crystalline Cool (30)

   "Crystalline Cool (30)"
   Duncan was mirthfully escorted by the transfigured physicality of Saint Nicholas of Myra into the Holy Man's incandescent glow of an effulgent habitat beaming with the glistening glimmer of altruistic elves, snowmen that never melt, being always jovial and obedient; moreover, a giant toy factory for all those on the nice list; plus, there was an echo of black absorbing negativity, which the color metaphysically does, where the coal was manufactured for the nefarious and naughty.  Duncan got the icy chills, but Santa informed him that counterpoise is sometimes necessary for people to grow; plus, the proud and arrogant armed with forked tongues deserve what they sow, further quoting the Christ:  "What you sow is what you reap.  And truly, they have sown the wind, and will reap the whirlwind." 
   "Why can't all people be nice?"  Duncan asked meekly.
   Santa Claus responded:  "They've done many naughty things, like make the Virgin's Holy Soul a thing of dirty demons, not knowing She is the Queen of angels and all saints.  The Templar Knights adored the Black Madonna, burning incense before Her amiable likenesses, yet people continue to neglect Her; thus, will their prayers be answered?  Even if the baby Jesus were here, He would with much cognizance tell you that saying bad things about Him is okay, for He can take the burden, but never speak unkindly of His Mother, Her being the Gate of Heaven, holding the Living Word in Her blessed belly.  Now, quit being so frightful, and be of good cheer, for you adore the simplicity of charity and its synonymous action of love."