Friday, December 30, 2016
Loup Soup (7)
"Loup Soup (7)"
Jasper's effluvious self was both sweet and spicy, making the only pussy he ever knew scatter away; indeed, Boxer was on the move, mousing, so to say--to get away.
Zoanthropy is not common, not even for cats that are beyond and yet within this world; however, neither is celibacy; thus, the fear of the Virgin Mary, and the hatred of Christ. Regardless, while the King James Version offers Saint John speaking of dogs not going to Heaven, he meant the humping and monstrously malodorous kind, stinking from an unclean spirit. Pope Francis set us all straight on that one.
So, Jasper felt the wolf pulse within; specifically, the lack of a heating system in his remote garage building offered him an allegorical coat of meditative insulation from the frigid air. It was all he could do. It's all some people can do. And once heated, he dug into a can of beets, tearing them open with his teeth, further making himself lean and cleaned out. Darn, he wanted that spicy mustard and some albacore. Maybe that's why Boxer was really upset, making like Tom and taking a cruise.