Saturday, December 10, 2016

Crystalline Cool (39)

   "Crystalline Cool (39)"
   Having anchored Duncan down near a little shanty on Saint Vincent Island, Rudolph evacuated his reindeer bowels, leaving some sublime scat--if only to be remembered.  He brushed the hot cherry of his mystical nose against Duncan's elbow, telling him to keep his hands up to the Lord, as did Moses, aided by Aaron, his brother and Levite Priest; plus, a fiery, little leprechaun heavenbent on fighting for Our Lady, and without Her inviolate moves--there would be no Christmas.  Present yourself unto the Lord, and great things will happen.
   After Rudolph blasted off towards the North, Duncan noticed that next to the modest shanty was a KX 200, armed with street legal modifications, as if constructed by the altruistic loyalty of a crossbow-carrying Wookiee, and all seemed great; indeed, Santa was no Scrooge, not wanting the haunt of having sown ill will towards others, but praying that their stockings be filled with the light of baby Jesus, Him having been held in the miraculous, loving arms of Saint Anthony himself, before Ricky Bobby stole the idea.