Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Crystalline Cool (49)

   "Crystalline Cool (49)"
   Rudolph had informed Duncan that he was leaving; specifically, the lead reindeer with the cherry nose said:  "I cant half-ass my care of all the naughty and nice; indeed, I gotta help Santa deliver the goods, for there's a big arctic freeze, and he needs me."
   Duncan was not happy to lose such a friend over the Christmas season; nevertheless, he understood that duty, including mercy and justice, as mentioned by the minor prophet Micah, was sincerely imperative; thus, he embraced the reindeer, causing Rudolph's nose to beam a brilliant-red glow out of love; next, his friend flew away from Saint Vincent Island, back to the North Pole.
   Duncan continued to pilot his lime-green KX 200 and dig ditches, not having enough money to send Dad a gift.  He was a bit blue in a non-metaphysical sense; however, as he sat at home, drinking spearmint tea and pondering his future, a Canis rufus entered his shanty, as if walking through the thin walls with a super-phasing ability; next, the wolf/coyote hybrid spoke telepathically to Duncan, saying:  "I am the pathfinder--so to speak.  We will walk and ride over water, back to Oklahoma, so that you can be with your biological father for Christmas.  Follow my supernatural path, and all will be well."
   Duncan did not argue, but put his few possessions in a backpack; then, jump-started the Kawasaki and followed the path-finding canine homewards.  Dad would be pleased upon his arrival.