Sunday, December 25, 2016

Huck Finnegan (2)

   "Huck Finnegan (2)"
   Huck loved his dog Peanuts so much that the dog got testicular cancer; as a result, perhaps now, the canine's name should be Peanut, but he kept it kinda/sorta plural, as if tempting.
   Huck didn't love much save the dog and God; plus, the Holy Family.  Loved Peanuts at first, so much so, that THEY pinned him down and made him submit the dog's name; hence, the cancer in the social beast's scrotum.  But the dog lived, thrived, and went beyond the normal state of health, Huck knowing now to let him off the leash a bit; moreover, to consecrate himself to God, for nothing can hurt God, the Christ, the emanation of the Holy Spirit, and the Virgin--or God would give them the Godsmack; therefore, Huck had no attachments save Peanuts, and mastered chastity by way of releasing the seed through contemplative energy, so as not to get seminal backup.
   His sister was a fancy banker named Sally.  She loved EMFs, not knowing the hidden dangers and toxicity, and Huck wore a quartz-powered watch; also, he humbly worked at the junkyard, Peanuts alongside his wiry weird.  He worried about Sally's evolution into a numbered robot.  Tried to cautiously warn her.  Tried not to love her too much.  Was hard on her.  Would give her his total and forever life.  Would keep them guessing.  But not about the Trinity and the Virgin.  He was always down with the everlasting jazz to proclaim his lunatic love for something indestructible.