Friday, July 14, 2017

Grant, Sherman, Nietzsche, Joyce, and Francis

   "Grant, Sherman, Nietzsche, Joyce, and Francis"
   Comprehension.  Admit the truth, or the truth will not admit you.  Believe Me, He mentioned--you do not want to meet My Father without Me.
   Sherman said he didn't understand Grant; moreover, he said Grant didn't understand himself completely, and Sherman burned the hell out of it due to the fairness of war.  
   Joyce became a slave to the imagination, rejecting Christ; at the same time, he was the ultimate humble confessor, and Catholicism was on the tip of his ink pen--every word.  
   Nietzsche said Martin Luther was the ruination of the world, and rejected his German heritage due to the heretic.  Too, he always wrote on the topic of God.
   All is not what it seems.  Christ spoke in parables and riddles so that only the Chosen would understand.  He told the Rabbis of His time:  "Your father is the devil--the father of lies and murder; specifically, he was a liar and murderer from the beginning."  Jesus is not cotton candy.  Isaiah spoke of being saved by His stripes.  Were those stripes from the Passion, or when he bull-whipped the rich men out of His Father's Temple?
   As Saint Francis prayed:  "May I not be understood, but may I understand."