Saturday, July 29, 2017

Pulling Poop: God's Work

   "Pulling Poop:  God's Work"
   Having lived with Ulcerative Colitis for over twenty years; plus, being told my colon would be out by now, and it isn't, I'm used to scatological scenarios.  And while taking care of the elderly, which is a blessing, I sometimes have to pull their firm, symmetrical Lincoln Logs out.  Has a medical student ever been five inches from the anal cavity in a state of fecal evacuation, watching as Mr. Poop slides out, the anus opening happily to detoxify a determination to live?  Nope.  Most physicians like the prestige and money--not the care; thus, they're dumb shits, not reading their journals, but flogging the bishop after an episode of the insidious Game of Thrones.  I like Sanford & Son; plus, Barney Miller reruns.  Say what you will about the peanut-farming Jimmy Carter, but during his Administration--television had true metaphors, without the rancorous raunchiness of the late Roddy Piper's kilt displaying dancing genitalia.
   So, no problem.  Everyone has got to poop.  And I thank God for assisting, for it's not gross, as gross is a frat boy eating olives out of his pseudo-brothers rectum before a cocktail is mixed; next, the world saved by a progressive education, and we all go trans-human, forsaking the Spirit.  Chief Mojo Rising is not mad, just disappointed.  
   Like Christ would mention that giving water to the poor, sick, and thirsty was actually giving water to Him, for we are all, mostly, the face of God Himself, in the Maker's image, unlike angels, who can be fallible; indeed, a Guardian Angel is so possessive it may instruct you not to run into a burning house and save children, for your face will be burned off.  Sometimes you have to argue with angels and negotiate.  Saint Francis said he always saluted a Priest before an angel, for the Priest performs the ritual of Transubstantiation.  
   Oh well, don't pity the sick--they're tough.  But pity yourself for not assisting them.