Friday, July 28, 2017

Poltroon Sheriff (1)

   "Poltroon Sheriff (1)"
   Danny knew the words of King Solomon:  "It is God's glory to conceal things; next, a King's glory to uncover them."  Danny had been stillborn, but cooked to life by incubation; moreover, dropped on his head by a step-brother, autistic, and with toddler eyes watched as that step-brother tortured his mother, causing her to contemplate suicide.  His step-father belting him, saying, "You're totally nobody.  You don't like yourself."  Plus, a headlock or two along the way, continually fed false mantras.
   The rich man doesn't want to be distracted from his riches.  Does not want to work in the fields and harvest good crops.  The sick are a burden.  Danny adored the sick and downtrodden.  Loved the underdog.  But the Sheriff was too phobic of digging deep into the truth.  Would turn a blind eye to torture and neglect.  Would allow Danny to bleed internally, due to all the stress of his youth.  Would fixate on shining his badge, as the Confederate Generals wore feathers in their caps, but wouldn't pay for the enlisted to have shoes, while Sherman and Grant dressed in dull uniforms, nurturing their enlisted men, the cornerstones of war.  
   Danny took nothing for himself, yet watched as the world got fat on the lamb.  They make Christ easy, when it is all blood and guts.  Always loving Him through the sorrow.  Thirsting for righteousness, while their pets are killed, the elderly tormented by thugs with no teeth, and they say they are helping.  The Sheriff believes the false testimony, due to lack of ethics.  Doesn't want to get his hands dirty.  Doesn't want to pick the fruit of love, because he has trepidation concerning a richer man.  Bows to the system.  Worships the false god, known as the dollar.  Let's a patriotic and devout woman be undone, for he trusts in death, not believing in light and life.
   For evil to sprout, all it needs is for a good man to do nothing.