Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Canis lupus arctos in Akansas


   "Canis lupus arctos in Arkansas"

   Shelley offered no care for murder and false testimony, being in a perpetual state of trans-corporeal struggle herself--or not.  Possibly, she was playing the dastardly bullies contained within the live-action theater of her magnanimous mind, often feeding a radioactive Godzilla some chilled-out breath mints, making it a bit bodacious for the monstrous fella to maybe French kiss a fellow mutation.
    Moreover, Shelley could not dismiss injustice, nor did the Lone Ranger and a galloping Silver, for as the Chinese proverb does instruct:  "For evil to prevail--all it takes is a good man to do nothing."  And in Shelley's cool case--it was a shape-shifting dame, able to pronounce herself true on the frozen terrain, looking straight into the frigid wind, imbibing the frosty struggle, for what is life without challenges, as all Old Testament giant slayers are aware.
   So, down in the dirty south, yet Hog Heaven was about to be famous, for no other State in the Union grew such an amount of Quartz Crystals, and the days of old never left man, man just forgot his transfigured portion offered by a Good God.
   Shelley thrust her cascade of platinum hair over her right shoulder, remembered those that were terribly tortured, and would always remind the delinquent darkness, that the Stars Above are a constant bitch, as was she, in a sublime sense of being a luminous lady.