Thursday, April 19, 2018

Vonnegut's Patriotic Opinion; plus, Mother Russia

   "Vonnegut's Patriotic Opinion; plus, Mother Russia"

   Fought the Germans, just himself and a few men left to survive.  As it was with David, God sometimes chooses the little ones, because God has a sense of humor; moreover, a sense of justice and peace.  So, Vonnegut, having served and survived for his great country, the good, old U.S of A, said that ALL the answers to life are contained within THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV--in a sense.
   A talk-show host just might become the new United States Press Secretary; regardless, Arkansas home-grown is doing a fabulous job at the moment, and the classy lady has kids to raise.  And they will be nice kids.  You know why kids grow into thugs?  Poor up-bringing.  My Serbian Pap always laid that one on us.  My phony lawnmower chimp sibling said that Pap was ignorant, many times.  Too bad he has no skill of foreign languages or true law outside of Lamar Alexander.  Remember your ABC's he said, cause Alexander beats Clinton.  No, it axiomatically does not, nor ever will; indeed, the only thing good from Tennessee, at this moment in time, is freaking Davy Crockett. Yup, Hogs and a former President who had astro-turf in the back of his El Camino, well--that usurps Al Gore and his pet bull.  Good for Arkansas.  I was trained by a former Razorback Quarterback, and he damn well knows--I could and did play the game.
   Oh well, I wonder what Wyoming is really like?  Sounds nice.  Freedom.  Cowboys and Indians who still remember.  If you don't know where you came from, you have no place to go.
   Watching the Lone Ranger with Pap, well--it was America, and we adored Jay Silverheels, a true American Mohawk.