Sunday, April 15, 2018

Theotokos and the Wily Wheaten

   "Theotokos and the Wily Wheaten"

   Shelley wasn't keen on Percy and his Ode to death; nonetheless, she was the Green Eagle, in a non-literal sense of quixotic cool, and feminine splendor, needing a sporty dog, remembering all her faith had given her, absorbing only the salubrious air of Saint Roch and it ALL.  So, armed with the golden curls of befriending barks and gregarious glee--Shelley sang:

O Theotokos, giver of Light--Glory to You!
The Wily Wheaten don't know defeat'n--
The Wily Wheaten gives joyous greet'n!

   Yup--it's cool to make a return to genuine innocence.  Fear the Father, yes.  Too, love Him.  And a Holy Mother will love you all the more magnanimously.