Friday, May 25, 2018

Sparky Puma--what

   Sparky Puma--what

   I could have been a Nun, yet they rejected me.  So, used to being loathed save by sweet and brave people, I married ex-hubby and wrote poetry while folding his underwear all day, taking out trash, and cooking.  Moreover, all the rest.  Then he noticed I was a shape-shifting Puma and got all racist on me. 
   People fear what they are not.  Heck, I love my dog Jubles, and for all that he is.  Secret:  An angel dog.  Thanks Tobias.  I'll keep washing and burying dead animals I find.  And I only eat fish except when I can't afford it.  Been living on meow-mix for one week.  Heck, other people have it worse.  Praise ya Jesus.  You are my vine. ####