Saturday, November 28, 2015

Existence Womb (3)

   "Existence Womb (3)"
   As if called by some radical mysticism, like possibly, Arch-Angel Gabriel went Sarah Palin (ROGUE) and gave literacy to Muhammad, Brother Puck came floating out of the Catholic Church, Saint Mary's, knowing mystically the suffering of Miriam and her Hebrew roots hidden beneath a family ashamed.  Yes Jesus claimed he knew:  "Salvation comes from the Jews."  And "Don't take the Holy Spirit from me God"  King David crooned in Psalms.  Miriam's eyes bugged out--knowing this was not normal.
Don't be phobic young madame--I am simply a layman.  We don't put jam on our toast like priests, nor have the elaborate funerals they do--it's all contained in THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV. 
Feeling really weird.  Dude, I think I'm gonna bolt.

No madame--I insist you stay.  Look Catholicism was initiated the moment Christ died on the cross, way before Islam and Nietzsche's hatred of Martin Lucifer as mentioned in his ANTI-CHRIST.  Too, Vatican City has been around longer than Washington D.C.--we know more as Catholics; plus, General George was so stoned during the Revolutionary War, he had no idea what was going on, but I do.  It's the reptilians.  The snake in the Garden of Eden.  They've implanted you--are infusing you with anguish and anxiety and feeding off of it--it's how they get their food.
Is everybody a freak in this life?  Starts weeping.

Yes, there are many circus people in the world, but they're the ones with the truth.