Monday, November 16, 2015

The Envy Of Beauty

   "The Envy Of Beauty"
Tyra Banks claimed she won the genetic lottery;
Thus, people complained that she was empty and haughty;
Still, humanity can be birthed with brains, sensitivity, or possibly even wise,
Yet of them we have no jealousy that does wickedly surmise
A green-eyed hate,
Damning glamour with a hope of megadeath fate;
Indeed, nice-looking guys are often called fag,
And some will believe this hell-sent nag;
Plus, no other guys want to be their friend,
Pondering if their girlfriends will then lose interest in them.
Others think the corporeally pleasing have it automatic and easy,
Not knowing the crooner Jim Morrison was stalked by many tramps yeasty.
This is the envy of beauty;
As a result, find brothers and sisters that are a cutie--
If not, the jealous will wish and will upon you things unfair;
However, in the end--their karmic value spawns Pandemonium's lair.
* * * * * *
And to the young and beautiful Justin Bieber:
"Please save some vagina for the rest of us."