Thursday, November 19, 2015

How to change a paralyzed soul's diaper for years and still be happy

   "How to change a paralyzed soul's diaper for years and still be happy"
   Wearing diapers myself many a time, though with Ulcerative Colitis, it usually only holds 50% of the bloody runs; regardless, on the matter--I am an expert.  For years, living with a paralyzed soul, of course being diagnosed with Stage 4 Alzheimer's years ago by Bush League physicians, before my personal intervention, I have dealt with a twinge of anguish--but who really cares?
   And laxatives off the counter never work when their Parkinsonian medications block them up, causing them greater levels of high anxiety; thus, you must go to the underground to find better remedies for bowel evacuation.  And when it occurs, I am always there--nobody else seems to ever be.  So, you  simply pull the fecal stool out with surgical compulsion, wish I could produce a normally formed stool, from their rectal cavity; next, wipe them till an inviolate cleanliness; then, lift them, tearing your inflamed abdomen to further occurrences of bleeding; plus, dress them,
shower them, bathe them, brush them, feed them, do all laundry and dishes, dispense all medications religiously, and still yet--you are treated like a canine--"I am the dog, they all tried to beat."  Crooned an 80's rock band.
   Moreover, saving your family thousands of dollars since not using a professional facility, which I might need too, and getting spit on with hilarity can build a bit of unearthly might.  Yes, you must love these devils.  Those never pushing the wheelchair, taking the sick out for rides or lunch, which I spend my loser income on more than half the time, yet the falsehoods continue.  The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) would surely excommunicate men that allowed such macabre tragedy.  But I don't want any trouble.  And of course there's more.  Charlatan caretakers--the patient even complaining of them with cognizance when not doped up.  But who am I but the dog?  Take me for a walk Bernie Sanders.  Let the leash be long and loose.  Let me pounce on a rascally rabbit.  So, we must go to the axiomatic truth.  Still, there's more, buried deep in the geography of Nashville, one day to be unearthed.
VOLTAIRE:  "To the living we owe respect--to the dead, only truth."

And of course, stream of consciousness artistry is mistake ridden.  When college drop-out Kerouac brought in On The Road his publisher told him it was crap--full of bullshit structure and all the jive-turkey rest.  Kerouac pulled the script from his hand and boasted:  "These are words dictated to me by the Holy Spirit Itself!!!"