Saturday, November 14, 2015

Sun Tzu & Neurosurgeon Ben Carson

   "Sun Tzu & Neurosurgeon Ben Carson"
THE ART OF WAR, by Americans, is rarely intellectually absorbed, even as lore--
Never have a protracted (as have we) and economic draining war
Informs with cunning the former Chinese tactician and General--
Yet Ben Carson claims in Syria do they already revel;
Plus, our space satellites and secret weapon technology is getting dangerously close
To Chinese non-gravity machines--like a noose on a rope,
And to tear apart the American economic system further
Causes The United States economic suicide and murder;
Regardless, Trump says burn the oil fields and be the ruination of money;
Next, the terrorists will have no sustaining honey;
Regardless, whatever theory, even conspiratorial--
We don't need another American gravestone memorial.
All I know is that our mainstream media is hogwash and divided,
Being a house that cannot stand with axiomatic truth united.