Monday, November 2, 2015
The Failures Of Modern Medicine
"The Failures Of Modern Medicine"
The visionary English bard axiomatically knew: "People who control their emotions do so because they have weak emotions."
The mentally ill, blamed for mass shootings--how many people have perished since the tragedy of Columbine? Regardless, in 2013 an approximate reporting of 41,139 suicides--obviously, modern medication is a demonic falsehood.
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors--the ultimate joke in regulating psychological unrest; plus, benzodiazepines, known on the streets as dolls, downers, goofballs, whatever, increase sensitivity to depression even further--in many cases. But herb-derived medicines have always proven to work and thieve away the mad melancholy of man, even though fools chase dragons out of social unrest--these medicines barded by King David in the Book of Psalms, him being the greatest of all the Biblical heroes save Jesus Himself. Chase the high and you will die; ingest with reverence and you will live.
Yet the controlling government has a wicked control over Earth's sublime nature, them in a nefarious and twisted synergy with pharmacists--and what good are cop-controlled pharmacists anymore? They can't even make a club sandwich nowadays.
Governments, especially in the hubris-filled Southern States where many reptiles reside, refuse the ill, challenging them with discomfort and demonic negativity. The quasi-governments of the Southern States should be marched before "The Hague" and face their due punishment for the myriads of suicides; indeed, due to lack of appreciation for the healing nature of Earth--there will be millions of megadeaths, especially since there are more suicides than wounded warriors killing men armed only with sling shots in the Abrahamic regions, where God's Power resides.
I know illness--since my botched birth to my 43 years of age I have bravely endured chronic pain, bloody bowel movements, unearthly anguish, and plenty of other demonic shit. But who gives a damn about the ill-fated? Maybe we should take Chris Christie's jelly doughnuts away before he swiftly quicksilvers himself into cardiac arrest. Or make alcohol illegal, as it offers more bizarre behavior than any other substance known to man.
Like Reagan informed the globe about a Greater Force, offering: "Are they not already among us?"