Monday, November 9, 2015

Mental, Physical, and Demonic Illness

   "Mental, Physical, And Demonic Illness"
   A recent article offered in the Journal of the American Medical Association forged by Duke University showcases how preterm birth spawns long term health and quality-of-life issues; moreover, 5% of the Universe is only scoped unlike the theoretical Multiverse and all of its theological implications.  Too, physician and nurse error is one of the leading causes of death in the States--just saying.
   By way of cesarean section; next, placed into incubation, which of course causes coyotes unearthly skittishness--this ominously offered me chronic pain and amazing anguish during childhood, including bloody urine, impacted bowels, which of course caused urethra probing and spoons inserted into the rectal cavity--what fun.  Also, having a sense of quasi-telepathy concerning using filthy bathrooms--toilet seats covered in lost pubic hairs and yellow stains--I could feel the leftovers of the unclean fools and their lack of appreciation for inviolate purity; plus, my biological father leaving me for a money-thieving moll after my first ten months of infantile existence; next, my mother ushered by a pestering salesman anchored me deep into the Confederate South, away from my entire biological family.   
   I continued on with phobic insanity, needing a speech-language pathologist to use my words, and I needed numerous physicians to assist me until a hellish adolescence.  The quasi-telepathy grew monstrously more intense, an inner knowledge of people's dirty resonation in the restrooms, leaving me with the inability to urinate or defecate in bathrooms, causing me to exile myself from school after the 9th grade.  People, including many family members concluded me simply lazy.  Lazy, lazy, lazy was their approach due to lack of knowledge.
   Sleep paralysis was the worst.  Then, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with Tics, Social Phobia, and Inflammatory Bowel Disease where I lost over half the blood in my body, getting infused by blood and other medications regularly--all while the dumb-ass doctors never offered pain medication or anti-anxiety drugs.  I endured and was sincerely brave due to the Trinity Itself.  Thanks to an altruistic, Ivy League physician, the last nine years--I have barely managed, but managed.
   Whether Mary Magdalene had numerous devils or was merely a whore--I believe in the diabolical possession aspects, having encountered supernatural creatures during sleep paralysis and while completely conscious.  And of course more inflammation like psoriasis, which has made my right ear deaf twice.  
   An approximate 40,000 suicides a year, outshining recent war casualties and school shootings, but people still label the sick lazy or cruel--all of us.  Yet life is over in the blink of an eye, and the Divine Justice System will stupefy the unbelievers--in many a mystic and ascetic's mind.  For people love themselves.  Hubris their Satanic synergy, along with PRIDE--rebellion against God.