Saturday, June 4, 2016

Liberty's Sparkle (45)

   "Liberty's Sparkle (45)"

   Faye continued to console Liberty within the impoverished confines of the mobile home, Spanky alert and cognizant, always paying attention with a crystal forged gland within his canine brain that offered sublime telepathy, of sorts.  Liberty on the futon, drinking a beer, and Faye, smoking an organic tobacco product to ease her stress.  
I was dating this cop--can you believe it?  And he arrested this dude for seeing aliens.  I asked him, what were they--greys, reptilians, or the magnanimous Nordics?  Cop dude didn't know.  Just said it was a psychiatric issue.  Manufactured education, huh?

I don't know.  Tears in Liberty's eyes.  I can't have a baby, and my husband is dead, but really alive, in Christ.

We should get outta here.  Take the Windsor Tunnel and hit Ontario.  I have a crush on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.  Did you know Kerouac was French Canadian?  Was on the Steve Allen Show, back in the day.  Allen asked him how long he was on the road--Kerouac responded it was 7 years, but it only took him a week or so to write On The Road.

He had a dextroamphetamine inhaler.  That was the mercurial magic.

What if it was automatic writing?

I dunno.  Spirits commanding text.  Maybe.  What's your point?

We need to leave this shithole.

We have no money; moreover, in debt.

Screw the Americans.  Canada.  Like Chief boldly stated in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.

I'm too sad for adventure.

Don't use the Force; specifically, force yourself.