Friday, June 10, 2016

Liberty's Sparkle (54)

   "Liberty's Sparkle (54)"
   Faye met Liberty and the sublime terrier Spanky at the mobile home.  There, outside on chaise lounges, Spanky sniffing around for high adventure, Faye opened her picnic basket, offering fine flour bread with non-angry turkey meat; plus, avocado and organic mayo; also, a splash of sea salt and pepper for protection and brain stimulation were added.  They munched down; next, the conversation ignited.
You hear from Wanda?

Giggled.  Yeah, right.

Probably a calcified Pineal Gland, ya know.  All that suburban food, over processed, which leads to lack of empathy; plus, jealousy and envy--a true hatred of things divine.  The Third Eye, like Tesla drinking special water, and John Adams, a bit of a snob, though even he owned a copy of Paine's Common Sense, him being brought over by Franklin's wisdom during his alcoholic thirties.  Truly, without the quill of Paine, the sword of Washington would never have swung; regardless, President Adams did get his apple a day in; specifically, apple cider vinegar, or hard cider. 

Oh well.  I really enjoyed Canada.  Miss Tom.  And I'm blessed to have a best friend not out to get me.

Gotta believe--like with Axl Rose's autobiographical song Out To Get Me.  Of course, they never caught him, not in his youth.  But kids today, and love of big bums.

Bums?  Like kinda Kerouac some might say?

No silly.  Big asses.  It's all the freaking rage.  The world be weird.  Why do people applaud that which offers shit?  Calcified Pineal Glands, or the crystals therein, hacked into by insidious forces.