Sunday, June 12, 2016

Liberty's Sparkle (56)

   "Liberty's Sparkle (56)"
   Liberty and Faye heard the news; plus, Spanky, as if a Pineal Gland knowing; thus, dropping his canine head, and in a pulsating state of quivering--all from a transistor radio, at least 50 dead in an Orlando nightclub.  Both girls (young ladies) immediately lit up, inhaling the revenge, to some, of Redman.

The world is getting really nasty.

Christ is even the Apostle, and Mary is great.  Islam means "submission" in English.  These people are not submitting to a merciful, loving God.  "The Bees" Surah, 16:19, basically says you cannot conceal from God.  Totally, He knows and is the Truth.

I'm all for being progressive, but aren't you pissed to the max?  This is bullshit.  We should do something, like have a mystical nerd explain to the terrorists the sublimity and love of God.

But you're forgetting the bad guy.  The once lovely light of the main fallen angel, his followers, hacking into our brains and controlling our lusts and corporeal aspects to migrate hellways.

I'm sorry Faye for not being nice right now, but everything seems like bullshit.  What does man's opinion matter anyway.  Love God.  Love Freedom.  Every-freaking-body!
Amen.  Never sacrifice liberty for security.  Let a man carry like Dirty Harry.