Friday, June 10, 2016

Liberty's Sparkle (53)

   "Liberty's Sparkle (53)"
   Liberty was back stocking shelves at the local grocery store.  Not a fancy place with tons of organic foods or anything--she observed her tedious labor for a moment:  french style green beans, garden cut green beans, Italian green beans, greens beans with bacon gravy, and yup--organic green beans; as a result of this theophany, possibly her life wasn't so poorly pathetic after all; next, her text message alert went off, a boast of Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries.  It was from Faye; moreover, said:
   Holy Fire!  If they only offered neuroimaging to crazy people before putting them into the cruelty of American Incarceration, they could axiomatically prove these people are mentally ill.  Too, don't get me started on probably 30% of women giving birth to another's man baby, besides their supposed partner; then, no DNA test, and that dude is royally screwed, paying child support, when those aren't his children.  Anyway, being a waitress sucks.  But some dude left me a two dollar bill today.  I'm gonna save it.  Miss ya.  2, see ya tomorrow--I'm bringing over some turkey and avocado sandwiches with plenty of mayo.  Luv, Faye