Sunday, February 26, 2017

Fox Biddable (3)

   "Fox Biddable (3)"
   Jenny McGee and her beauteous bouquet of champagne blonde was at the bowling alley with Healing Eagle, them at the bar--his mouth full of Wolf mint chaw, and her throwing back an ice cold lager.  She was confessing how she had become tricked by men in life, as the Fox Totem sometimes goes, and Healing Eagle presented her with a gift, a fox tooth necklace, which he got by way of finding the Vulpes vulpes roadkill, but blessed the animal with a Cherokee chant, and now due to animism, the fox tooth's energy would infuse Jenny's spirit with that of the fox, letting her know how to be super swift and aggressively agile; plus, blend into her Earthly environment without making waves that would attract larger predators.  Jenny put the necklace around her neck, tossing her champagne blonde upwards in super-model fashion, and all the Nashville cooter guys gave her a carnal glance, knowing she was scrumptious prey.  Next, the conversation sparked.

Yeah, I'm so easily conned.  This one good-looking guy, years ago, and good-looking guys are either out to get some action or are victims of skanky women that want to dominate them; anyway, I didn't have my radar up concerning the sleazy atmosphere, having had too many vodka shots, and went home with this pretty boy.  The next day my panty hamster was crawling with little bugs.  I pulled one out and examined it under a magnifying glass, and it looked like a little crab--that asshole gave me crabs--I was itchy for a week before SELSUN BLUE shampoo drove them away, and to where, I don't know.

Always be aware as is the fox--one of its powers, giving it much potency to survive.  I had a white step-mother that stole my father, and after my father passed, all I got was a damn carton of his cigarettes, and he was a Chief, having lots of greenbacks in the bank.  I should've known a snake will bite one way or the other, or have read Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, where the bard lets you know a step-mother always steals from her step-son; however, I got a lawyer, and he screwed her back, now I drive a Mustang armed with many horses under the hood.

People are garbage.  Oh well, like Jack Kennedy said:  "Life is not fair."

Too much venom, not enough love--so make sure to love yourself.