Monday, February 13, 2017

The Skunk (4)

   "The Skunk (4)"

   Stinky's Priest warned him about his Native American heritage, listening to some of its mysteries, and while Stinky knew that many were savages, some were pure sublimity.  So, Stinky reminded the Priest what Christ said to the pathetic prince of this world:  "Man lives not on bread alone, but on every word breathed from the mouth of God."  Indeed, theologians argue, but mystics do not.
   Stinky loved his Priest, but the dude wasn't the true Vicar of Christ; still, ya never can tell.  Yes Christ saves, and so does anything that fuels you with humility, walking in fear of the Great Spiritual Mystery, only fearing God--no angel, jinn, or giant.  Did the great bard/fighter and King of Israel not say that the sons of men were almost as strong as angels, and to fear nothing but God?  
   Stinky prayed for the Priest he loved; next, prayed for himself.  Afterwards, went to do his job at TACO BELL.  Too, Stinky had nothing that came before the Christ, nothing save Christ's Father.