Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Skunk (8)

   "The Skunk (8)"
   Stinky was hard at work, making the cheese dip and stuffing both hard and soft shells full of yummilicious scrumptary; next, his Priest walked in the door, and after getting the redneck flavor of MOUNTAIN DEW, which is what we call sweat on Dolly Parton''s buxom bewilderment, the holy man asked if Stinky could have a five minute break.  The minimum wage Skunk asked his adolescent, pimple-faced manager, and it was agreed upon; hence, Stinky took a seat across from his Priest at a mostly clean booth; then, the conversation ignited.
I've heard you've been doing some underground vigilante work.  What, are you Batman?

Bless me father, for I have sinned--it has been two weeks since my last confession.

Okay Stinky--spill it my son.

I found my girlfriend cheating on me.  I saw her at the local SHONEY'S, laying in the all you can eat salad bar.

Cut the shit Stinky--you have no girlfriend; you're as asexual as a Saint, but as weird as a coyote.

Okay--I'm cleaning up the streets.  I know, blessed are the merciful, for they too shall receive mercy, but there are some bad hombres out there, and the innocent need protection.  Even Saint Michael takes out the trash at times.

Okay, say one OUR FATHER, and do an ACT OF CONTRITION.

   The Priest absolved Stinky of his sins, and the Skunk would continue to spray juicy justice.