Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Skunk (6)

   "The Skunk (6)"
   Stinky, as commanded by his Native American heritage, always gave an ear to the mysterious underground.  He knew, not to judge, but before going to sleep, remind himself of everything he had done and experienced that day, knowing no scenario of "chance" exists; moreover, to own the reflections of the day, letting them steer himself more introspective.  He couldn't help but feel Blake's words thunder through him concerning the poet's favorite quote of Christ:  "I came not to bring peace, but a sword."
   Stinky had no intention of manifesting the Skunk Totem, thrusting his vigilante-styled actions upon the injustice and deceivers of the world--they had made him this stinky weapon; specifically, they had forged him into a living metaphor for peace and justice kissing, both of these things mentioned in Old and New Testament alike.  Wax on; wax off.  Can wax brilliant, can wane dim; however, waning can mean the end of negativity, while waxing can mean the beginning of entropy; however, it can be reversed when needed by a hunting pack of dog-like loyalists walking the Red Road.
   So, Stinky put on the armor of God, making himself as white as snow, with the blackness around, absorbing evil, and the Skunk went out to hunt some thugs, knowing it was not their fault, them controlled and manipulated, but he would God-piss the demons out of them.