Thursday, February 2, 2017

Hey Chief (7)

   "Hey Chief (7)"
   Beauteous Max and mild-mannered Paul enjoyed the flickering candlelight and frozen lasagna, but Paul had no wine, and they drank tap water; however, he did have ice cubes for some "splash" in his mini-fridge.  EDDIE THE EAGLE was an inspiring movie about a determined dreamer and a washed-up lush resurrecting his potential.  Anyway, after ejecting the DVD, Max snuggled in close to Paul and injected her tongue under his manly mustache--right into his shocked mouth.  The dude kissed her back for a while; next, pushed away and explained his desire concerning the relationship.

I do wish to engage you in intercourse; however, not this night, but I'm okay to show you myself naked, so you can see the goods.

Snorted a giggle.  Do you want to see my goods?  Ran a hand through her butterscotch pixie cut.  I can see your Rosary over there, and your Crucifix over yonder; plus, can tell that you're an honest and nice guy.  So, I can wait.  But you're kinda Old Testament, huh?

Not particularly.  In fact, Christ's words are more terrifying; moreover, He gets most of his material from the Old Testament, quoting Isaiah, David, other Psalms, and all the rest.  Too, He talks about the winnowing fork used to separate the wheat from the chaff, a pitchfork.  And Saint John further goes onto to display that a life without repentance is not healthy, but eternally damaging to the soul.  

Yeah, Jesus can be scary.  But isn't that the point?

He was no Elmer Gantry--those who can't do, teach.  He was pure light and salt.  

So, how long do you wanna wait to make love?

We'll know.  Now, let's take a ride on my motorcycle.  Plenty of wildlife to see, and I can go slow or fast.

Smiled.  Sounds like a good start.