Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Virgin Ninja (12)

   "Virgin Ninja (12)"

   Joanna Blanc was in the Confessional Booth, getting the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which seemed necessary due to her dove-like loins loving the idea of Bobby McQuade's renegade spirit gelling with her own.

Bless me Father for I have sinned.  You don't have your cell phone turned on, do you?

Joanna--I know it's you and your daring humor.  Still doing good, except for the cracking skulls part and all?

I haven't cracked any skulls lately Father.  Not since my last Confession.  This has to do with a guy.  A nice guy.  A poor guy.  A gentleman.  Very cool eyes.  Very humble.  Part of the family, as Jesus Himself might say.

Are you having romantic feelings for him, after all your years of celibacy?

Not images.  Just a yearning to embrace him.  But not in brotherly fashion, but as a partner.  

God will always love you.  Pray for the Holy Trinity to have mercy on you, and ask the Virgin Mary to pray for you, and Saint Joseph's protection; next, move slowly, and do things properly, so as not to offend the Church; moreover, not offend yourself, for you are an appendage of the Church.

I understand.

One Our Father; plus, one Hail Mary.  Now, say your Act of Contrition.

   The ritual of mystic ceremony continued, and Joanna was feeling better; still, she was definitely crushing on Bobby McQuade--the simple janitor, the serf.