Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Virgin Ninja (15)

   "Virgin Ninja (15)"
   Bobby McQuade, mentioned before a lady, and Joanna Blanc were in her bucolic built one-car garage, working with the shuriken into the bales of hay; indeed, Bobby, the Irishman, could throw a blade, like a Mick playing darts @ the pub.  And he mentioned that he loved Notre Dame football, and that they never lost, for they had Touchdown Jesus.  So, in the ninja-training center, as we will call it, the conversation continued--like this:

Slicing watermelon with a bokken is brutal--it's not slicing dude, but cracking the melon open, like an alien with an over-sized cranium.

I don't do aliens.  Can we talk Moon Knight and underground Marvel characters?

You mean, like Squirrel Girl?

That's the ticket.  And no, I don't follow Pat Sajak on Twitter or anything like that.

I'm glad you're my age; plus, that you have those eyes.  Catty.  But I too sense dog in you  Le chien.