Monday, March 5, 2018

A Southern Baptist Dude--from my opinion

   "A Southern Baptist Dude--from my opinion"
   I only met one man--just one, WHO believed God can do anything.  A kid in Southern Baptist School--King James on our desk for hours, and it was beautiful.  I'm flawed and emotional, maybe more or less or more now--and everything matters.  Preacher told me God answers prayers, even if it's 30 years, or 40, as long as you keep focusing and pleasing Him more than any other.  Taught me about King David, even Amos, just a Minor Prophet, yet as awesome as God makes us--God builds a good car, so a surfer said once.
   And as for Mother Mary and the Southern Baptists; specifically, I've been critical; still, if they love Jesus, Her Son--I know it is cool enough for Her.  For She's always pointing--to the Living Water.  Hey, She's humble, yet bold, and gave birth to many of our lives.  If we admit Him.