Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Werefox Vaquero--All the Caboose

   "Werefox Vaquero--All the Caboose"
   Ela didn't mind a wise correction here and there, for a little good counsel can keep a cowgirl's legs shaved properly; however, scat is never needed by an honest ranch-hand; thus, when this old timer dubbed Silly Willy, ornamented in a fancy Van Dyke beard, and haughty enough to display a dandy derby hat, in a laboring lady's space no less, mouthed off to her, first, vocally announcing:  "Girly, you gotta teach that piece of livestock a lesson.  Get some guts.  Tell dat bitch--you mess with the bull--you get the horns."
   Ela just shot him a canine's posturing glance, knowing the fine beast was on a hard ride to somebody's dinner plate; moreover, knew the animal was shy and frightened, deserving tender mercies, save when she needed to be pumped up by high frequency to face what's coming.
   Max came upon the scene, a lasso in his hand, and an innocent glimmer in his eyes for Ela's fight and fortitude, knowing:  if she wanted, she could've slapped Silly Willy to the ground, and just for the heck of it.  Guess it wouldn't have been ladylike.  Anyway, Max put a protective arm around his kinda/sorta girlfriend, giving her a crooked grin that was honest and true.  Yup, she dug him.  Sometimes lately--she felt like Max was All the Caboose.  Yet never invading with anything save suave sublimity.