Sunday, March 25, 2018
American Cantina--Bounty Hunter Money
"American Cantina--Bounty Hunter Money"
They asked for this, thought Jules. Now, the hunter was on them, as they had misplaced the loot with traceable numbers, like cereal. A striking fist--them offensive. They're into forgery. Dementia. Followed by anger at losing your mind. Or Effexor, Lexapro, Xanax, and Dago Red--all in a single hour, more or less--from Sun up till Sun down.
Their seeds jacked up on psychiatric cocktails. Them as well. The documentation of legal documents in the systems. The winks. Handshakes. Abusing legal power.
Jules, she was severely shy. Guys gawked at her. She saw the lust in their orbs of iniquity.
She had a shrink--a decade. Not some phony who raped her 5th Amendment. Too, a little illegal search and seizure, due to forgery, words of others, them--jacked up on psychiatric medication, alcoholics, as are their seeds and co-workers.
New revelation by Harvard University, a real school: 52% of Emergency Room physicians and nurses are under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Getting paid to do so.
Yet a family member is not allowed payment to nurture an ill relative. And no soul, usually, will care for a relative more than a child, honoring their parents, as Moses did give instruction.