Thursday, May 28, 2015

Want some shrimp, Bubba?

   "Want some shrimp, Bubba?"
When I indulge in the shellfish shrimp--you must cook;
Otherwise, I'll have gastrointestinal movement like the Chess Piece, Rook,
Wending linear till expunged and out;
Hence, pasteurize the bacteria without a doubt;
Alas, I usually adhere to smoked, Alaskan salmon,
And I believe the Apocryphal Books to be canon.  
Post Script:
Dude back in Arkansas during the Reagan 80's used to stay at all the rural parties till the end--this due to the axiomatic fact that all the heavy-set girls would stay till the end--the slim ones leaving early with the carnally-crazed dogs; anyway, he'd hook a big one every time he endured long partying hours involving Southern Comfort and Cheetos.  Thus, they called him:  BUBBA CHEESE.  God Bless BUBBA CHEESE in this America.