Thursday, May 25, 2017

Civil War: A Modern Myth

   "Civil War:  A Modern Myth"
   The only myth about the word myth--is that it is called myth.  Look at the BIBLE, EPIC OF GILGAMESH, the NORDIC SAGAS--where we would be without them concerning Ancient Astronaut Theory and all?  Just me blabbering.
   Anyway, during the American Civil War, there were approximately 620,000 casualties, and we're erasing these men's souls, whether good or bad.  I'm from the North, and we don't talk about it much up yonder, until we get anchored deep down in the hot passion of the blistering South, where it is like a Roman religion.  And though I'm a General Grant fan; plus, like Colonel Tecumseh Sherman's holy fire approach in war, in the sense that he was baptized by a Dominican Priest, the word Dominican meaning:  Domini Canes in Latin, which translates to Hound of the Lord, and much metaphysical talk has been brought up in pulp fiction that he was a werewolf of sorts, his nickname being Cump.
   Nevertheless, Lincoln pardoned General Lee, the Silver Fox, and men like these died in our most horrific and gore-smeared war, when our country was almost torn apart.  Hence, why erase history?
   The Irish fought for themselves.  The Scottish did.  Saint Joan of Arc led France as a mystic adolescent.  The Patriots against King George's madness using thuggish guerrilla warfare, and yet myriads of Yankee men died to free the slaves, and nobody cares, while they didn't even fight for themselves.  
   You turn on television and everybody is African-American or homosexual--it's like:  Kill the straight white man!  Who constructed this country?  And at approximately only 12.9 percent African-American today, it wasn't them, but again--erasing history.
   Hell, I voted for Obama and drank the Kool-Aid, thinking all the impoverished would get health care, instead America was transformed into a Hollywood Party.
   And now there is nothing but division.  Over what?  A white man in office.  So what.  Are we supposed to hate the white man?  I used to like STAR WARS, and still revisit the original trilogy, but soon they'll resurrect Han Solo as a lesbian or something, and make Greedo transgender.  What the hell is going on?  And Lando is my second favorite character--Billy Dee RULES!!!
   We can't forget our history, or we'll be doomed to repeat it.  As Pope Francis recently said of the End Times, kinda/sorta:  "There is no more irony or fiction about it."