Sunday, May 28, 2017

Vietnam: The 80's Truth Lingers

   "Vietnam:  The 80's Truth Lingers"
   I'm no VET.  Hell, I'm just a fruitcake redneck born Yankee.  Still, as an adolescent in the 1980's, I spoke to many Green Berets who fought in NAM, camped with them, smoked Pall Malls with them, and had them chariot me to Catholic school, such as a Sergeant Major, him never letting himself get promoted to a commission, for officers get people killed, and that was not his job.  He said, the best thing in NAM was a hot shower and shave.
   Approximately 58,000 killed.  I asked my Serbian Pap what that was about.  He said:  "Population control."  Took all the black kids from the ghetto, and the white hillbillies not able to get into college; specifically, wasted the undesirables.  
   The Sergeant told me many stories as he let me smoke cigarettes in his house.  Said air support would lift your ass up 6 feet off the ground, when the bombs hit nearby.  What the hell were we doing fighting a Nation without high-dollar economics, though trained in the art of Sun Tzu?  Numbers and size don't matter porn girls, for it is spirit and frequency.  
   These kids, slaughtered for mammon, and tortured for an old bitch gone in the teeth, yet having done nothing wrong but be born poor and supposedly uneducated, when a true erudite is an autodidact like Hemingway, Vidal, and so on.  Don't look like you're stupendously stupid, or they will try to kill you, but God Bless America, for She will Free you in the End with a soft disclosure.
   Like Rh negatives treated as schizos and such, when it is a higher vibration, and try to get a decent blood transfusion if you have that uncommon blood.  Love the government, or hate them; regardless, we must survive and spread Christ's News, Him taking the LAW up a notch.  
   God Bless the VETS, whether surviving or not, for this life is not the last, and many are at the next level, interrupting for the solace of the wretched.