Saturday, May 20, 2017

The ill and elderly are NOT a burden!

   "The ill and elderly are NOT a burden!"
   Before my last wife hooked up with a teenage boy and gave me the boot, she said:  "You've just been so sick all the time."  The night my hands turned blue, as if they had neon ink on them, and a half-pint of blood came out of me, she screamed in a panic; next, drug me across the house, and lifted me up into bed.  I was on about 20 pills daily at that point, before the infusion therapy every 8 weeks for years.  
   When they had to give me a blood transfusion, as I had less than half the blood in my body, and Wikipedia says nobody with UC has ever gotten a blood transfusion, the nurses were all laughing at me as I was chronically crapping blood all over the place.  One nurse told me to just give up and die.
   I wonder why it took them over 20 hours to get my Rh negative blood, and why I was given so little?  They wouldn't let me leave until my blood count was normal, but hell, I just walked out at 117 pounds, put my hands on my stomach, and said:  "God, help me."   That was 16 years ago.
   When a veteran loses a limb, some family members quit their jobs and become their caretakers, their cooks, their physical therapists, their preachers, their solace and peace.  But most people throw the sick and elderly away.  I've been in nursing homes, seen thuggish caretakers, and listened as a nurse called a guy's hairy rectum the Holy Grail, and all the other nurses and physicians cackled at this poor man going into surgery.  That's why I always like to continually remind these spoon fed, quasi-scientists:  "Physician and nurse error is a leading cause of death in America, killing more people than gun violence, crack-cocaine, and chain-smoking combined each year."  But with Bush League schools on every corner, what can we expect?
   My point:  Don't listen to your ego and have WANT of the golden calf.  Sure, protect yourself economically, but listen to the beat of a Mother's Sacred Heart, and do as Her Son commands.  Take care of the poor, sick, ugly, detested, maligned, and don't just run from battle and have pride in yourself, for you are nothing without God having forged you into existence.  Unless your father is the devil--the father of lies and murder, as Christ told many a Rabbi.  
   And the rich man arrogantly comes to Christ--Christ always drawing on the Earth with his finger like an old-fashioned Quarterback, and the rich man says:  "I have totally followed all the commandments baby--what else do I do to inherit Heaven?"
   Jesus said:  "Give to the poor, and come follow Me."  The rich man went away, stupefied, and Jesus didn't go after him.  Curious.