Friday, May 19, 2017

Grocery Store; plus, Sorrowful Mysteries

   "Grocery Store; plus, Sorrowful Mysteries"
   In a world, and as Jesus said:  "The devil is the prince of this world."  Well, in this world, the government offers many folks insidious population control, mind control, hidden secrets, and other forms of bologna, like covering up satellite images proving the most impossible story:  "Noah's Ark."
   Anyway, as I go to the grocery store, shaking with phobias; however, acting like Clint Eastwood, before I run out and sanitize myself and wash all the canned goods, I see this man sometimes, a little man, approximately only five foot even, and he walks with a limp, but has a dandy mustache and nice wire-rimmed glasses that aren't in style for those worshiping the golden calf.  I dream of him being bullied, made fun of, yet getting up every morning, being brave, and doing his shopping, loving God, and probably loving his mother's adoring heart, her, most-likely, having mercy and prayers for her deformed son.  I love that man.
   Having meditated upon the Sorrowful Mysteries today through the Rosary, I feel guilty during the suffering in the garden, the scourging at the pillar, the crowning with thorns; next, I help Christ carry the Cross instead of Simon, knowing it is my duty to give Him praise and thanks for His sacrifice; moreover, during the Crucifixion mystery, I know many think God has forsaken Him, as He might have mentioned, but as the Author of Life writes the story of us all, there have to be good guys and bad guys.  We must forgive them; we must forgive ourselves.  We are all vehicles sculpted by passengers who wish to manipulate us--it seems, sometimes,  But the Author of Life is the Editor, and has the final word.  All we can do is praise Him, and suffer next to Christ.  For the rejected stone becomes the cornerstone.