Sunday, December 27, 2015
American Pubs, Politics, and Star Wars
"American Pubs, Politics, and Star Wars"
Stand-Up Comedians rarely visit, anymore, colleges or universities,
The punk kids not wanting to genuinely laugh with sublimity at ethnic diversity;
Regardless, have a dangerous drink with a white man forged from Europe in a pub/bar--
The conversation might starburst like the Milky Way--very far;
Moreover, in the new Star Wars we see varying genders and hues;
Next, the only white man is slain by red-shimmering blues.
Is there a war on the white man?
Was he not, in majority, the one anchored on D-Day's gore-smeared land?
We are settlers, not merely immigrants. And has diversity made America great?
Know: I'm voting Democrat; thus, how can I be filled with hate?
Nevertheless, there is no different species of human--just one race--
The human race.
Yet Snipes in PASSENGER 57 says: "Always bet on black!"
What if I proclaim: "Always wish on white!" Is that an attack?
* * * * * * * *
The 1st Amendment
Wrongful Prosecution or catastrophic irritation if:
1.) No fighting words
2.) No clear and present danger
3.) If it's ambiguous
And buster, I was arrested for penning a tart a poem. I know my RIGHTS!!!