Saturday, December 26, 2015

Existence Womb (21)

   "Existence Womb (21)"
   Miriam continued to battle her Sleep Paralysis, pinned down by reptilians that implanted, sodomized, whispered weirdness into her flowery spirit, or whatever they were doing; regardless, a garden-variety physician merely thinks these hallucinations, yet the missing patch of raven-black hair behind her right ear; plus, the admittance of Dr. Luke (her father) and Princeton psychiatrist that aliens or angels (synonymous terms) were real--she got the gist of it.  Too, Dr. Luke was once involved with a government agency, such as might be dubbed the Men in Black--she knew something malevolent was occurring upon her corporeal essence, or within her spirit.  The soul:  A gel of body and spirit.  Also, her mother's cognizance, due to an unknown neurological condition was stabilizing thanks to the turmeric-derived medicine; moreover, her (Miriam) adoring the lady whose egg had forged her, while not working at the junkyard that is, had proved imperative in helping the elderly women obsessed with Grackles, Rooks, and Saints.  Anyway, it was time for Miriam's shrink appointment with Dad, and upon her newly jury-rigged KLR 250cc, she flew there without much concern for safety, adoring the boyish thrust of the potent cycle.
Miriam, the government came to see me--they know I'm helping you, but be not worried, for you are strong, employed, and learning.  Mr. Pewter can help you even more if you put in a good day's work consistently.  
What, you're cutting me loose, uh, Dad?
Just listen to me, and continue to pursue your autodidactic studies.  Know:  Magic can happen--even though that word might be considered blasphemous.  Look, Evolution, the Big Bang--mere theories, and resisted by many, including myself.  Did the Annunaki from the Sumerian Texts put spiritual light into hairy man?  Is that why the famed Dr. MacDougall found out we lose 21 grams upon the process of death?  Or did hairy man eat psilocybin-containing mushrooms and spark consciousness; next, spread it with beastly mating?  I prefer the first theory.  And somehow, the Abrahamic God, Master of the Multiverse, has intervened for us, freeing our gold-digging slavery, sending a potent Celestial Hierarchy to help those who help others.
I know all those things Dad--I just want a family, and am terrified Mom will die.  I'll have nothing.
Get closer to Mr. Pewter--he is not just a junkyard fink, but knows, uh, certain things.  As for your mother, read up on "radical remission" which can occur for any type of illness.  Usually through eating herbs and spices; plus, communicating with God.  

Lowered her head.  I was up all night after they came.  Watched THE WATER HORSE:  LEGEND OF THE DEEP.  I wish I had supernatural friends and a family.

In time my dear.  In time.