Sunday, December 6, 2015

Existence Womb (9)

   "Existence Womb (9)"
   Miriam sat across from Dr. Luke, a bit pissed off, as if her coyote instincts were spiritually informing her that Dr. Luke was holding back something very imperative; nevertheless, she would BEHAVE BABY--doing her best Austin Powers denial of carnal cravings.
So, how are we doing this month?
We're okay.  I mean, if those reptilian bastards pinning me down every night are just fabrications of my psychotic mind.
Remembering the oath he had taken to "remain silent" for the Men in Black.  Just keep taking your medicine.
I am.  Religiously.  Still, I know there's truth in what I experience.  And I'm sick of it.  Look Dr. Luke, I know you're trying to help me in the American way.  You want me to go to school; next, college--get a bullshit education, which allows for a decent job since college graduates are the only ones assumed smart by other college graduates.  Too, that I should spread my virtue and take a fat dick, being a normal teenage girl.  But I won't.  I'll sacrifice all the creature comforts and my own life for the truth.
The truth can be found in school.  And I can't keep writing you excuses.  You need to finish high school and go to college.  Get a social life and mix it up.  It will make the Sleep Paralysis, well, less paralyzing.

But infusing myself into the nonsense of regular life is bullshit--I'm not regular. But maybe I should hate all the Muslims and believe the poor aren't oppressed and that families give a shit about their elderly.  Hell, you can buy a gun in all 50 States, but herb-derived medicine is restricted save out westwards.  What, the rest of the country doesn't want enlightenment?  Wants to keep people fat, drunk, and under control?
You sound like an anarchist.

Is it not the only form of government never tried?  I'm sorry.  I just know the truth is not contained in college or at a frat party where when a girl squirts she thinks it is true love.  I want to be the wandering Jew.  The Leopold Bloom knowing that an Irish curse doesn't damn a man.

You've been reading Joyce?

Joyce, Faulkner, Twain, Pynchon--everybody cool that I can get my hands on.  Vonnegut, or one of his characters believed that all the secrets of life are contained in THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV, and I read that too--Alyosha was my favorite character.  Anyway, I don't know why I've been marked by the beast, but please, fucking help me go down the path I want to go--even if it is the death of me.

Removes his glasses.  Miriam, there's something I have to tell you . . .