Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Gospel of Luke--Virgin Mary's Resound
"Gospel of Luke--Virgin Mary's Resound"
For heretical people, denying the Queen of Angels Her honor, at the height of the Roman Empire, it was foretold and prophesied--now axioms and truth continue on with the glorious hue of an effulgent azure blue. The scribes of the Codex Sinaiticus adding nothing; thus, know: And She continues in futurity as it was given in the 1st Chapter of Luke--like this:
"For He hath regarded the low estate of His hand-maiden--for behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed."
Notice--I used the KJV for all Southern Baptists, some believing Mary to be a witch of sorts.
Even in the Koran, the 19th Surah "Maryam" lifts her up more than the heretics. Though did the Arch-Angel Gabriel go Sarah Palin (Rogue)? And 2 good things about the Republican Party: Sarah Palin's Breasts!!!
There were a plethora of Gospels, but FOUR were canonized. As Saint Irenaeus claimed: "Just as there are four winds; thus, there shall be FOUR Gospels."
It was not Constantine's mother's love of Christianity that brought down the Roman Empire--it was barbarism.
Like "Indy" Jones, theologians too have investigated the facts with severe intensity!!!