Saturday, December 19, 2015

Existence Womb (15)

   "Existence Womb (15)"
   Miriam's conservation with her brave father, Dr. Luke, continued, wending further into the Truth of such reptilian things.
It's all a big lie.  Presidents elected; next bowing down to corporate America--money, more addictive than narcotics, and I'm sure you're aware of what Christ mentioned concerning the almost impossibility of a rich man inheriting heaven?  They fear God, the rich, for they are supporting their wicked pleasures, few passing through the eye of the needle, donating or giving their corporeal aspects to the needy.  Who is the Whore of Babylon--is it Iraq?  A whore kills a man, usually.  Uses him, lies to him; then, ultimately murders him.  Is it possible, America is the Whore of Babylon?

I'm just a stupid teenage girl--I mean, I've turned over a library in the last few months, but I always figured America was good.

Nothing is good save God, did mention the penniless, excommunicated Rabbi--Christ Himself.  We have armed both sides, turned an evil cheek to Saudi Arabia, a great fuel for terrorism, as were their hijackers during 9/11--because we're tied in cause of their money.

Are you saying America is evil?

America is concerned about itself, and itself only.  Like with college we've mentioned.  Rarely are intellects born on campus, mostly horseplay and sloppy sex goes on; next, these folks calling the rest retards, move into the lies of suburban sprawl, everything appearing ideal and sublime, yet wicked things go on in those human habitats.  Like with your Sleep Paralysis, visitations not wanted to be mentioned by our government--we want to keep the people under control.

I was reading about this underground, mad poet of sorts.  His father fell ill, and his step-mother, who wickedly seduced him into a non-religious ceremony of marriage, well, she began to constantly neglect him, for years, as we've mentioned, one of the leading causes of death in America is physician and nurse error--yet stupid college folk believe all doctors to be smart.  Anyway, for years he was taking downers for restless leg syndrome, a false diagnosis; then, depression, but after intervention by the autodidact son it was Lewy Body Disease, and they were feeding him Haldol like 6 times a day, which made the Parkinson's aspects starburst into his complete paralysis.  The son was loving him for years after the initial batshit crazy of the disease began and was stupidly misdiagnosed.  He had an attorney sister, who for four months never came over to see her father, and then maybe monthly, talking for a few minutes before always making a clean getting.  Anyway, this mad poet was on Federal Disability, sick to the bone, and he was the one singularly taking care of his father--feeding him, clothing him, brushing his teeth, changing his diapers, exercising his legs and back, putting him on an organic diet, doing practically everything 24/7--even though the sister had called in for free assistance a mere six hours a day, though the pseudo-caretaker did nothing except smoke crack, put on murderous television that increased the old man's hallucinations, and shit loose stool in their only toilet--she couldn't even lift the man, and so on--did nothing but feed her morbid obesity and weak-minded drug addiction.  So, after years of this, the mad poet, knowing there was sincere neglect, incompetence, and other legal issues, especially that tied in with the Americans with Disabilities Act, well, he killed himself.  But not before leaving a note to the cops.  In the end, his father died shortly thereafter, and the step-mother, caretaker, and attorney sister were all indicted; plus, the sister got the justice of disbarment.  The mad poet was cremated and thrown in a trash can by his attorney sister--goes to show, but his long-suffering and bravery; plus, complete anguish in a monk-like dedication to protect his father, well, it led him to where he wanted to go--within the ranks of the Celestial Hierarchy.

I've heard that story--much lore there, but with lore comes truth, as in your case.  Now, we're a family again Miriam, and I will protect you and your mother; plus, I know it was the weak-minded killers of impoverished people with no real weapons in the Middle East, what I'm saying:  Our wounded warriors, who were shooting fish in a barrel, came home, got addicted to opiates and downers, overdosed, and the Federal Government regulated more all on their weak behalf.  It would be a damn shame if we ever had to take on China with Sun Tzu knowing numbers don't matter, and they have the numbers.  Or really deal with the concept of Reagan's royal admittance of alien life among us--if our warriors suffer so weakly from shooting these weak-armed fish in a barrel; next, how will they deal with a monstrous threat, as have you done, my courageous daughter?