Thursday, December 3, 2015

Existence Womb (6)

   "Existence Womb (6)"
   After gobbling up her Anti-Psychotic medicine, Miriam's brain became sedated, and she fell into the phobia of sleep.  It wasn't so much the nightmares, but with Sleep Paralysis you feel totally conscious, though bodily paralyzed, eyes seeming able to move, and creatures of the supernatural (merely more than natural) hovering around, implanting, sodomizing, collecting bodily fluids, whatever.  Doctor Luke called these hallucinations, a terrifying aspect of Sleep Paralysis.  So, as always, Miriam wended into the sea of dreams before becoming awake, yet as solid as a statue wanting to break free from the incarcerating stone.  Except this time, there was no fear, yet a feminine entity hovering over her, radiating altruistic love and compassion; moreover, the female spirit spoke to Miriam, claiming she was Saint Hildegard, the mystic physician and songwriter for the Lord.
Fear not young Miriam--I am on your watch tonight as your guardian has been locked in battle and mostly overtaken by 7 devils; specifically, I have only a few minutes, but hear me well.  Use everything in and upon this Earth to protect and heal yourself.  Herbs, stones; moreover, force upon yourself a belief in the happening of miracles--drive those insidious reptiles away, and be not afraid of the small ones that can only haunt the weak-minded, which you are not.  Yours is a lack of knowledge.  Your history and heritage were thieved away, but the Holy Spirit is waiting deliciously to inhabit your corporeal temple.  Once merged and having synergy with this brilliant force of pure love and rainbow promises, you will emerge victorious.  But know the stones and what they can repel; plus, the plant life and its sometimes psychoactive ability to heal, as long as you do not chase the dragon, but comprehend that a dab will do ya.  Learn.  Read the Holy Texts.  Know the Psalms of David and the Gospels of the Divine Christ.  And don't be afraid to enter into metaphysical knowledge as well--this is not blasphemy if your heart is courageously in love with God as it was for David--the bard/fighter.  People have invoked evil against you.  The reptilian race is among us.  But let not fear of any religion or varying shades of people drive you into terror--that is what the Adder wishes.  To terrify.  The reptilians feed off of terror--it is their unholy Eucharist.  So, be brave young Miriam.  Forge a path towards the Good God, knowing:  Nothing is Good save God.  
   Miriam moved, gaining control over her body.  Never had Sleep Paralysis been so enriching and sublime.  She knew.  She totally knew.  As a member of the Holy Tribe merged with a Messianic sense of Jesus, along with devouring an entire library concerning metaphysics--she could whip the shit out of those reptilian bastards, forcing the illuminating light of the Holy Spirit into herself by sheer willpower.  It would be a brave journey.  But she felt positive, and aligned with the Light of the Lord.