Thursday, April 13, 2017

Holy Thursday; plus, Random Francais

   "Holy Thursday; plus, Random Francais"
   Some say, some, that during the suffering in the Garden, as meditated upon during the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, that the Angel, Arch-Angel, maybe Seraph (Chamuel) was with Christ, to bring the pinkish vibrations on a certain frequency, and to quench Him further into loving calmness; nevertheless, Christ did scold Saint Peter, as always, for falling asleep.  Only Saint John the Eagle, who listened to the Sacred Heartbeat, did truly love and fearlessly follow Christ and His Mother, in my opinion, near perfectly.

Some Random French:

trois = number three, like the Trinity.

quatre = number four, like the Virgin; furthermore, 1 + 3 = 4.

je = I.

tu = you in a familiar sense.

vous = you in a formal sense.

elle = she.

nous = us, we.

elles = them, they in a feminine sense.

le mien = mine, masculine.

la mienne = mine, feminine and singular.

ange = angel.

barde = bard.

Eucharistie = Eucharist.

hors de prix = exorbitantly expensive.

la Sainte Vierge = Blessed Virgin.

Saint-Esprit = Holy Spirit.

chien = dog.

chien de meute = hound.

loup = wolf.

zozo = nitwit.

Ou sont les toilettes = where is the toilet?