Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Thoracic Animus (7)

   "Thoracic Animus (7)"
   Mutt was inside the quasi-Tipi with Big Chief, a variety of Iroquois; specifically, a Mohawk, and the tobacco was burning--here we go:
Always find the woman.  The Mother.  She has greater intuition if aligned with the Dove.  She steps on the snake.  And a snake promises great reward, but strikes at the end.  You will know them by their fruits.  Don't grow for yourself but others, having the Source--a brave, sacred heart--fountain of life and holiness.

People anger me in my family.  Forked tongues as my Grandfather mentioned during a Glenn Ford movie.  

Of course.  They attempt to box you in a cage, because they see you are brutally honest.  They want to thieve away that honesty, writing false fiction, inspiring chaos, but let them say what they say, for HE sees you alone, like a ladybug being the best monitor, or the spider in your secluded and lonely room.  Grandfather sees all and knows all.  There is nothing hidden from HIM.  Don't let them only speak or testify about you falsely, when they aggressively strike @ you with vicious venom, and like any man--you react with anxious fear.  That is what they want.  Remember, your Mother steps on the head of the sinister snake.  It has been written.  

I will listen wise Chief, you being so wise to know that detesting the forked tongue and phony confidence in it--that is the true, lesser path of wisdom.  A verb.  A thing in relaxed yet defensive alignment.