Saturday, April 1, 2017

Wackadoodle Dandy

   "Wackadoodle Dandy"
I came to the American South, riding on a spoon,
Turned the corner just in time to see Don Ameche be a star in the movie Cocoon.
My in-law is a robot, but I'm not mad;
However, she put me in the hospital twice, with Caesar Salad and Pesto Sauce gone bad.
My sibling ruthlessly rattles my cage constantly,
Though he eats bananas, doing so unapologetically,
And my Bio-Dad was a Nordic alligator needing plenty of Sun;
Plus, could bench near 300 and played college football, getting concussions for fun.
My Step-Dad is a Cowboy and drinks my laxative lotion,
Causing his poop to swirl down the toilet in a swirly motion;
Alas, it's all good--if you have a sense of jocular keen,
Not judging the wise/fool with a coyote's sense of lean.  

PS:  I married a Wookiee--
In her defense, she always shaved her mustache, and I still think she's cool.  

Yup, even Jesus loves the weird ones . . .