Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Thoracic Animus (14)

   "Thoracic Animus (14)"
   Harry was writing in blue to communicate, within the mind of a snoozing Mutt, for the Bigfoot/Hairy Man knew that the Blood is the Life, a pattern of existence and outcome; plus, that Mutt's blood was negative, carrying a bit of immortal Ichor, so Esau's great, great, great, great, grandson probed Mutt's mind, and Mutt thought himself an asshole, not knowing people targeted him for a reason.
   Jung this and that, but the onion does peel, and Mutt needed to be warned to watch his favorite shows, read his favorite books--and to hell with the classics and monkeys shaking his allegorical cage.
   They wanted Mutt to think himself bad, hang a rope and dangle, do the dirt nap groove, or burn him to ash, but then Mark Twain always comes along and makes friends with Tesla, O-; next, Picard takes Twain on the ENTERPRISE, and Mark is like:  "Boy--this is a starship, ain't it?"  Keen talk from a former Riverboat Captain, and like Emily Dickinson--always in white.  Who says America doesn't have great writers?